RefChatter provides ground-breaking tools for chatting with your users and assisting them in finding the information they need via chat, including clickable hyperlinks, stored text responses, files and screen shots.
Premium Chat Software and Support
Chat with ease
RefChatter is ideal for organizations providing distance learning because you can screenshare with the patron. We help you choose and customize your chat widgets, create canned responses, and block abusive visitors.
Dedicated support team
RefChatter is a hosted, web based solution with no IT resources required for implementation or ongoing support. Altarama’s dedicated support team provides all the resources necessary for a successful service through implementation assistance, training, and support.
Flexibility in staffing
Using RefChatter, any number of staff can monitor multiple queues and maintain multiple, concurrent online reference sessions. You can even share staffing responsibilities through consortia or RefStaffing, or have your service entirely provided by RefStaffing.
Integration with RefTracker and RefTracker Express
With RefChatter, if a chat guest needs further research, you can tag the chat for follow up in your RefTracker system. It will create a request in RefTracker that is assigned to the appropriate staff for resolution.
Extensive testing before version releases or updates
We know how important it is to stay connected to your user community. Our developers put any new updates or version releases through a rigorous testing cycle before they are ever released. This helps us deliver a product that is stable and reliable.
Unparalleled, unrestricted free trial
Our trials are 60 days in length, fully-featured, and have no strings attached. During the trial, you can build your real service, and even put it into production before payment is due.
Don’t Have a Chat Service Yet, or Need a Better One?
RefChatter makes it simple to add chat to your request answering service: